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Ysgol Pendref

Friendship is the key to happy learning

Dosbarth Helyg



Welcome to the Dosbarth Helyg's Class Page!


School starts at 9am and finishes at 3pm for Year one children. We open the class doors at 8.50am.



Explore /Principality Financial Workshop

Here is some important information that you may find helpful...

  • Reading  The children will have lots of opportunities to read in school.  A reading book will be sent home daily.  Please return the book to school every day.  It is very important that you read with your child at home as much as possible.  Please remember to comment in the reading record when you hear your child read.  


  • Snack - You are encouraged to send a piece of fruit in for snack with your child every day. If you send your child in with grapes, please ensure that they are cut in half, length ways. The children will be given milk or water at snack time but please feel free to send in a bottle of water that they can drink throughout the school day.


  • PE - We have our PE day on a Tuesday each week. Please ensure that your child has the correct  PE kit and appropriate footwear. They can wear a white/yellow t-shirt, and black or grey  jacket and shorts or jogging bottoms for their PE sessions. Kit is kept in school and will be sent home for a wash each half term.. 


  • Homework - The children will be given homework on a Friday. These will be simple tasks that allow you to have a better understanding of the work that we are completing in school so that you can support your child in their learning.  Please can these be returned on a Wednesday of the following week. 




